Urbanistyka i ekologia dzisiaj / Urbanism & ecology today | Natalia Khoroian, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (Ukraine)

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Urbanistyka i ekologia dzisiaj / Urbanism & ecology today | Natalia Khoroian, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (Ukraine)

Zapraszamy na cykl wykładów otwartych ‘Urbanistyka i ekologia dzisiaj’ prof. Natalii Khoroian, architektki, kierowniczki wydziału architektury Państwowej Akademii Projektowania i Sztuki w Charkowie (Ukraine).

Wykłady odbędą się w języku angielskim.

MONDAY, April 15, 4 pm, UAP Corner, Building H

Presentation of the discipline ” Actual trends in the organization of the architectural and urban environment”. Formulation of the problem.

TUESDAY, April 16, 9:30 am, UAP Corner, Building H

Postmodernism: in search of an artistic language. The meaning of the „tree” and „rhizome” paradigms in understanding the modern architectural process.

Formal analytical methods and the language of architectural codes.

FRIDAY, April 19, 2 pm, room I / 1, Building H

3. Actual urbanism. The concept of sustainable development: new cities all over the world. Urban landscape and climate.

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