THE SHANGHAI „World Heritage Sites Habitat of Beauty” 关于举办“世界遗产地 与美共栖息” 5 miesięcy temu

THE SHANGHAI „World Heritage Sites Habitat of Beauty” PROGRAM:

关于举办“世界遗产地 与美共栖息”

Opening Ceremony of 2024 Huangjian County Peony International Arts Culture Month

1. Intended invitation of foreign guests

Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy 波兹南美术学院素描系系主任

Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy, Head of the Drawing Department at the Poznan Academy of Fine Arts

Dariusz Subocz 欧洲著名古纸保护专家,波兰文字和印刷博物馆馆长

Dariusz Subocz, renowned European expert in the conservation of ancient paper, and Director of the Museum of Polish Writing and Printing

Tadeusz Pszonka 波兰著名男高音歌唱家,利平斯基音乐学院声乐歌剧表演系系主任

Tadeusz Pszonka, renowned Polish tenor and Head of the Vocal Opera Performance Department at the The Karol Lipinski University of Music

Aleksandra Ewa Lemiszka 波兹南美院招生办助理

Aleksandra Ewa Lemiszka, Assistant in the Admissions Office of the Poznan Academy of Fine Arts


2. Intended invitation of celebrity guests

汤镇业 中国香港男演员 香港无线五虎将之一,制片人、监制

Tong Zhenye, a Hong Kong actor and one of the Five Tigers of TVB, producer, and director


3. Intended invitation of leaders and department heads in Tinghu District

孙红艳 亭湖区政协主席

Sun Hongyan, Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of Tinghu District

钱成银 亭湖区人民政府副区长

Qian Chengyin, Deputy District Mayor of Tinghu District

曹 扬 亭湖区文化广电和旅游局党组书记、局长

Cao Yang, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Cultural, Radio, Television, and Tourism Bureau of Tinghu District

暨 波兹南美院/利平斯基音乐学院中国区招生启动仪式活动方案

Launching Ceremony for the Enrollment in China by University of the Arts Poznan/The Karol Lipinski University of Music

为贯彻习近平总书记生态文明思想,加强国际湿地多样化文化交流,彰显世界自然遗产核心区的生态与人文魅力,书写中国式现代化人与自然和谐共生的发展乐章,加快将黄尖镇打造成国际湿地旅游首选目的地和具有国际影响力的生态文明故事示范点,拟举办“世界遗产地 与美共栖息”2024黄尖牡丹国际艺术文化月开幕式暨波兹南美院/利平斯基音乐学院中国区招生启动仪式,现制定方案如下:

In order to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s thought on ecological civilization, strengthen diversified cultural exchanges in international wetlands, highlight the ecological and humanistic charm of the core area of the World Natural Heritage, write a development chapter of harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature in Chinese modernization, and accelerate the development of Huangjian County into a preferred destination for international wetland tourism and a demonstration point of the story of ecological civilization with international influence, we are going to hold a World Heritage Site and Beauty Together Month. It is proposed to hold the opening ceremony of „World Heritage Site Habitat of beauty” Opening Ceremony of 2024 Huangjian County Peony International Arts Culture Month and Launching Ceremony for the Enrollment in China by University of the Arts Poznan/The Karol Lipinski University of Music, and the program is now formulated as follows:


I. Theme of the event

“世界遗产地 与美共栖息”2024黄尖牡丹国际艺术文化月开幕式 暨 波兹南美院/利平斯基音乐学院中国区招生启动仪式

„World Heritage Site Habitat of beauty” Opening Ceremony of 2024 Huangjian County Peony International Arts Culture Month and Launching Ceremony for the Enrollment in China


II. Event Date


April 13, 2024 (Saturday), one day


III. Organizers


Hosted by: Yancheng Coastal Wetland Tourism Resort


Organized by: Intertidal Art Village


Wenzhenggufei Non-construction Investment (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.


Yancheng Red-crowned Crane Grassland Resort Hotel


Executing Unit: Yancheng Jiaguwen Cultural Media Co., Ltd.


IV. Venue


Huangjian Peony Garden Heart Plaza


Huangjian Peony Garden Planning Hall Conference Hall

潮间带艺术村 东锦龙堂

Chaojiandai Art Village Dongjinlong Hall


V. Intended Invited Guests


1. Intended invitation of foreign guests

Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy 波兹南美术学院素描系系主任

Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy, Head of the Drawing Department at the Poznan Academy of Fine Arts

Dariusz Subocz 欧洲著名古纸保护专家,波兰文字和印刷博物馆馆长

Dariusz Subocz, renowned European expert in the conservation of ancient paper, and Director of the Museum of Polish Writing and Printing

Tadeusz Pszonka 波兰著名男高音歌唱家,利平斯基音乐学院声乐歌剧表演系系主任

Tadeusz Pszonka, renowned Polish tenor and Head of the Vocal Opera Performance Department at the The Karol Lipinski University of Music

Aleksandra Ewa Lemiszka 波兹南美院招生办助理

Aleksandra Ewa Lemiszka, Assistant in the Admissions Office of the Poznan Academy of Fine Arts


2. Intended invitation of celebrity guests

汤镇业 中国香港男演员 香港无线五虎将之一,制片人、监制

Tong Zhenye, a Hong Kong actor and one of the Five Tigers of TVB, producer, and director


3. Intended invitation of leaders and department heads in Tinghu District

孙红艳 亭湖区政协主席

Sun Hongyan, Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of Tinghu District

钱成银 亭湖区人民政府副区长

Qian Chengyin, Deputy District Mayor of Tinghu District

曹 扬 亭湖区文化广电和旅游局党组书记、局长

Cao Yang, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Cultural, Radio, Television, and Tourism Bureau of Tinghu District


VI. Event Schedule

阶段一:4月13日上午 开幕式(10:00—10:42)

Phase I: Opening Ceremony on the morning of April 13th (10:00-10:42)

地 点:牡丹园心扉广场Location: Heart Gate Square of Peony Garden

流 程:


09:30—10:00 活动暖场(30’ )

09:30-10:00 Warm-up activities (30 minutes)

10:00—10:05 开场舞蹈《墨韵花开》(5’ )

10:00-10:05 Opening dance performance 'Ink Rhyme Blossoms’ (5 minutes)

10:05—10:10 主持人开场(5’ )

10:05-10:10 Host Opening (5′)

10:10—10:15 拟请钱成银副区长致欢迎词(5’)

10:10-10:15 Welcome Speech by Deputy District Mayor Qian Chengyin (5′)

10:15—10:20 拟请Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy致辞(5’)

10:15-10:20 Speech by Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy (5′)

10:20—10:28 外方学校代表推介留学项目(拟请Aleksandra Ewa Lemiszka、Tadeusz Pszonka简要推介)(8’)

10:20-10:28 Introduction of Study Abroad Programs by Foreign School Representatives (Brief introduction by Aleksandra Ewa Lemiszka and Tadeusz Pszonka) (8′)

10:28—10:31 中国区招生启动仪式(拟请盐城市青年委员孙 鑫博士、盐城市风向标文化传媒咨询有限公司负责人张磊磊与外方学校代表Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy、Tadeusz Pszonka共同启动)(3’)

10:28-10:31 Launching Ceremony of Enrollment in China (Dr. Sun Xin, Youth Committee Member of Yancheng City, and Zhang Leilei, Head of Yancheng Fengxiangbiao Cultural Media Consulting Co., Ltd., jointly launch with foreign school representatives Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy and Tadeusz Pszonka) (3′)

10:31—10:36 六大民宿介绍视频播放(5’)

10:31-10:36 Introduction videos of six homestays (5′)

10:36—10:39 宿集联盟成立/小程序上线仪式(拟请六大民宿负责人马兆余、余 燕、侯春峰、龚茜君、王亚东、朱曰峰)(3’)

10:36-10:39 Establishment of Homestay Alliance/ Launch of Mini Program (Inviting the responsible persons of the six homestays: Ma Zhaoyu, Yu Yan, Hou Chunfeng, Gong Qianjun, Wang Yadong, Zhu Yufeng) (3′)

10:39—10:42 2024黄尖牡丹国际艺术文化月开幕式启动仪式(拟请孙红艳主席、钱成银副区长、曹 扬局长、于丝浓书记、Dariusz Subocz共同启动)(3’)

10:39-10:42 Opening ceremony of the 2024 Huangjian Peony International Art and Culture Month (Inviting Chairman Sun Hongyan, Deputy District Chief Qian Chengyin, Director Cao Yang, Secretary Yu Sinong, Dariusz Subocz to jointly launch) (3′)

10:42 —11:10 嘉宾游园

10:42-11:10 Guests visit the park

阶段二:4月13日上午 参观招生咨询会现场(11:10—11:40)

Phase II: Visit the enrollment consultation fair on the morning of April 13 (11:10-11:40)

地 点:牡丹园规划馆会议厅

Location: Conference Hall, Peony Garden Planning Museum


Please invite the honored guests to visit the University of the Arts Poznan/The Karol Lipinski University of Music China Recruitment Consultation Exhibition at the exhibition site.

附:4月13日上午 波兹南美院/利平斯基音乐学院中国区招生咨询会展(9:00—12:00)

Attachment:he University of the Arts Poznan/The Karol Lipinski University of Music China Recruitment Consultation Exhibition on the morning of April 13th (9:00-12:00)


Event Overview: This exhibition is the China Recruitment Consultation Exhibition ofUniversity of the Arts Poznan/The Karol Lipinski University of Music,with foreign guests, admissions representatives, and representatives of prospective students/parents from Poznan Academy of Fine Arts and Lipinski Music Academy participating.


Event Theme:


University of the Arts Poznan/The Karol Lipinski University of Music China Recruitment Consultation Exhibition


Event Time:


April 13, 2024, 09:00-12:00


Organizing Unit:


Hosted by: Yancheng Fengxiangbiao Cultural Media Consulting Co., Ltd.


Event Location:


Conference Hall, Peony Garden Planning Museum

11:30 餐叙(开元芳草地度假酒店)

11:30 Luncheon (Kaiyuan Fangcaodi Resort Hotel)

阶段三:4月13日下午 潮间带艺术村国际声乐大师课(14:25—18:00)

Phase III: International Vocal Master Class at the Intertidal Art Village in the afternoon of April 13 (14:25-18:00)


Event Overview: In order to promote the exchange of music events at home and abroad, further develop the international wetland tourism as the preferred destination, and continuously enhance the brand image of Huangjian Town as the „World Heritage Core Area, Habitat of beauty”, we plan to hold the International Music Master Class at the Intertidal Art Village. The proposed plan is as follows:


Event Theme:


Intertidal Art Village International Vocal Master Class


Event Time:


April 13, 2024, 14:25-18:00


Organizing Unit:


Hosted by: Yancheng Coastal Wetland Tourism Resort


Organizer: Yancheng Fengxiangbiao Cultural Media Consulting Co., Ltd.


Co-organizer: Yancheng Jiaguwen Cultural Media Co., Ltd.


Event Location:


Tide Art Village Dong Jinlongtang


Invited Guests:


1. Invitation to foreign artists

Tadeusz Pszonka 波兰著名男高音歌唱家,利平斯基音乐学院声乐歌剧表演系系主任

Tadeusz Pszonka, renowned Polish tenor and Head of the Vocal Opera Performance Department at the The Karol Lipinski University of Music

瓦洛佳 著名钢琴艺术指导

Valoja, a renowned piano art director


2. Invitation to domestic artists

张鹏飞 武昌理工青年声乐教师

Zhang Pengfei, a young vocal music teacher at Wuchang Institute of Technology

张磊磊 旅欧青年流行唱法博士

Zhang Leilei, a young pop vocal technique PhD who has studied in Europe


Students who participated in the master class:

申梓涵 上海音乐学院本科生

Shen Zihan, undergraduate student at Shanghai Conservatory of Music

贾子骏 南京师范大学本科生

Jia Zijun, undergraduate student at Nanjing Normal University

李 昊 浙江音乐学院本科生

Li Hao, undergraduate student at Zhejiang Conservatory of Music

徐逸翔 浙江音乐学院本科生

Xu Yixiang, undergraduate student at Zhejiang Conservatory of Music

徐嘉怡 盐城师范学院本科生

Xu Jiayi, undergraduate student at Yancheng Normal University

徐一桐 盐城幼儿师范高等专科学校大专生

Xu Yitong, junior college student at Yancheng Preschool Teacher’s College


Event Schedule:

14:20—14:25 暖场签到

14:20-14:25 Warm-up registration

14:25—14:30 主持人开场

14:25-14:30 Host opening

14:30—18:00 声乐大师课

14:30-18:00 Vocal Master Class

阶段四:4月13日晚上 2024黄尖牡丹国际艺术文化月开幕文艺晚会/明星见面会(18:30—20:06)

Phase Four: Opening Ceremony of the Huangjindan International Art and Culture Month and Celebrity Meet and Greet (18:30-20:06) on the evening of April 13, 2024

活动概述: 为丰富2024黄尖牡丹国际艺术文化月开幕式活动内容举办的晚间文艺演出活动,拟邀请香港影视明星汤镇业空降黄尖,以明星效应为黄尖牡丹国际艺术文化月制造话题,吸引关注,招客引流,现制定方案如下:

Event Overview: In order to enrich the content of the opening ceremony of the Huangjindan International Art and Culture Month in 2024, an evening cultural performance event will be held. It is planned to invite Hong Kong film and television star Tang Zhenye to Huangjindan, creating a star effect for the Huangjindan International Art and Culture Month, attracting attention, attracting customers, and the proposed plan is as follows:


Event Theme:


Opening Ceremony of the Huangjindan International Art and Culture Month and Celebrity Meet and Greet


Event Time:

2024年4月13日晚上 18:30—20:06

April 13, 2024, 18:30-20:06


Organizing Unit:


Hosted by: Yancheng Coastal Wetland Tourism Resort


Organized by: Intertidal Zone Art Village


Wenzhenggu Non-construction Investment (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.


Yancheng Red-crowned Crane Grassland Resort Hotel


Event Location:


Peony Garden Heart Plaza


Event Schedule:

18:30—18:35 敕勒歌(文化中心)(5’)

18:30-18:35 Chagan’s Song (Cultural Center) (5′)

18:35—18:40 主持人开场(5’)

18:35-18:40 Host’s Opening Remarks (5′)

18:40—18:46 诗歌朗诵《亲情潮间带》(6’)

18:40-18:46 Poetry Recitation 'Tide of Affection’ (6′)

18:46—18:51 歌舞表演《一个真实的故事》(5’)

18:46-18:51 Song and Dance Performance 'A True Story’ (5′)

18:51—19:21 大型魔术《魔幻奇迹》(30’)

18:51-19:21 Grand Magic Show 'Magical Miracle’ (30′)

19:21—19:36 明星演唱(15’)

19:21-19:36 Celebrity Singing (15′)

19:36—20:06 牡丹园水舞秀(30’)

19:36-20:06 Peony Garden Water Show (30′)

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