The Open Call for Gdańsk Literary Residencies is now active! 5 miesięcy temu

The City Culture Institute announces open call for the Gdańsk Literary Residencies addressed to translators from Poland, authors from Belarus and Ukraine, as well as cultural researchers. The Open Call, active until 8 May, will select seven residents for creative stays in Gdańsk. The Literary Residencies programme is organised in cooperation with Kraków (Kraków Festival Office), Warsaw (Staromiejski Dom Kultury), the Literary Union and the Polish Literary Translators’ Association.

Residents benefitting from the programme will stay at a dedicated apartment in Gdańsk, receive professional and logistical support plus a monthly fee of up to PLN 4,400 gross. They will also take part in City Culture Institute’s literary activities. Residencies in Gdańsk provide an opportunity to spend a few weeks in the city, during which our guests – apart from creative work – may get to know the local art scene. Residents will be s-elected from among the applicants by a committee comprising members from the City Culture Institute, Literary Union and Polish Literary Translators’ Association.

For more detailed information on the programme, go to: 

Residencies for authors (Poland, Ukraine, Belarus)

This open call is addressed to authors from Poland, Belarus and Ukraine, who:

– have at least one published (printed) book or poetry volume, 

– are currently working on a literary project.

Residency for translators from Poland

This open call is addressed to translators from a foreign language into Polish, who:

– have created at least one translation that was published or staged in a theatre,

– are currently working on a translation project.

This year, we would like to specifically encourage translators working with poetry to apply.

Humanities residency

Our humanities residency invitation is addressed to cultural researchers eager to work on the narrative of Maria Janion’s life and work, with a specific focus on the period she spent in Gdańsk. We would like to see a printed biography of this incredible woman, focused on her intellectual ruminations and fascinations, an attempt at uncovering her private life – for years hidden away from prying eyes – and understanding her creative path, decisions and choices.

This open call is addressed to researchers of Maria Janion’s life and work, who

– have published at least two academic papers,

– are currently working on a project related to Maria Janion’s life and work.

The duration of 2024 Literary Residencies

The residencies may last between 2 and 6 weeks. They will begin at the end of May and jointly last until the end of 2024. The dates will be agreed directly with residents selected in the open call.

How to apply?

Applications in Polish or English (in exceptional cases also in Belarusian, Ukrainian or Russian) should be sent until midnight of 05.05.2024 to the address: [email protected]

Applications should contain:

– the completed application form, 

– a CV with a list of published literary or academic works,

– a cover letter with a description of the work concept for the residency period (not longer than 5000 characters with spaces), 

– an extract fro-m a published work (no more than 8 A4 pages, in the original language).

The programme rules and application form are available at and below:

Rules of the programme, application form

Results of the open call will be published until 31.05.2024.

Video summary of last year’s literary residencies in Gdańsk:

Organisers: the City of Gdańsk and the City Culture Institute

The project is financed by a targeted grant funded by the City of Gdańsk

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