Death Metal • Re: Mastectomy - Brutal Death Metal z Poznania 3 godzin temu
Nowy singiel Mastectomy band oficjalnie na bandcamp. Jest to wynik kolaboracji pomiędzy mną perkusistą Shaunem Blackiem, znanym z współpracy takimi zespołami jak Reign of Erebus/Bandwhore/Dead Animal/Disruptor/God Cries/Luce Signiferum/Necropia/Omnipotence/The Dead Cold/Reign of Erebus/Ajdath/Spirits Way. ... rture-rack
New single Mastectomy Team officially on Bandcamp. It is the result of a collaboration between drummer Shaun Black, known for working with bands such as Reign of Erebus/Bandwhore/Dead Animal/Disruptor/God Cries/Luce Signiferum/Necropia/Omnipotence/The Dead Cold/Reign of Erebus/Ajdath/Spirits Way.

Statystyki: autor: Brutalize666 — 8 min. temu

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